Review – Pretty Boys Are Poisonous by Megan Fox

I hate to say it, but this was “surprisingly” good. I wish I could say I totally saw this book coming, and definitely expected to be delighted by it, but I just didn’t know Megan Fox enough to voice that. I only knew what most of you do: that she’s a sex symbol and a pretty good actor. But I just love it when someone can take you by surprise in the best way possible, and since I’m a reader, book blogger, and librarian, this book is basically my definition of a good surprise.

I definitely got to know Megan Fox better by reading this, so I understand why it’s categorized as memoir in addition to poetry book. I especially learned more about what Megan Fox feels on the inside, more so how she feels about herself and how she felt about the man who was supposed to be a source of safety, comfort and joy to her. Yet, he was anything but that.

It’s easy to assume that someone as beautiful and successful as Megan Fox would value herself highly and never put up with abusive behavior, with being strangled, insulted, stripped of her dignity and self-respect, but that just shows that everyone is fighting a battle that may be invisible to the rest of the world. I applaud Megan Fox for putting this gutsy and impactful collection of poems into the world, and for giving it life by pouring her lingering heartbreaking memoires and possibly post-traumatic stress as well.

I also adored the illustrations, which beautifully conveyed Megan’s soul, her sensuous and elegant nature, with an undertone of sadness, misery, and pain. She put it well when she said that, in the case of the partner she had, it was trauma meeting trauma, and trauma bonds are very powerful and emotional. But she did mention being happier with her new partner, that he treats her so much better, makes her feel more like the woman she is, so I know Megan Fox’s heart is more at peace, and I wish her a great healing journey ahead.

Purchase this book through Amazon using this link so I can buy myself a cookie while I write more reviews 🙂

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