This or That Book Tag ft. Captain Jack Sparrow!


Dear folks, I am here to do the THIS OR THAT book tag, created by Ayunda @ Tea and Paperbacks. It has come to my attention that the last time I did a tag, I was a minor. I am now doing a tag as an adult. Thank you for thinking of me, Shanayah @ The Scarlet Bookkeeper.

I shall apologize in advance for the bad humour that will follow. You see, I am currently watching the whole PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN series. Indeed, I am contaminated with Jack’s wicked humour!

Again, apologies. Let’s proceed to the tag now. There are some rules involved, but Captain Jack Sparrow takes no orders! Continue reading

Creatures of the Night Book Tag

(Is it me, or does Isabelle look sick?)

This tag, that has been created by Katytastic on Youtube, reunites plenty of my favorite paranormal creatures. In other words: I HAD TO DO IT. I think I saw it before but forgot about it. Yesterday though, I was bored and searched for something to occupy myself with and had the idea of doing a tag. Because, why not? *Click on covers or title link for Goodreads.

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The TBR Tag

The TBR Tag Hit or Miss BooksI have been tagged by Rachel at A Perfection Called Books to do this tag which basically consists of talking about books we have in our TBR. She and Dana at  Dana Square created this tag. Yay, thanks, girl! (I hope you get the concept of my banner and the tag–books to be reading being in the future and all. You do? Okay.)

How do you keep track of your TBR pile?

Like most people, I use Goodreads. But, sometimes, I like to get all extravagant and make additional paper lists of books I want to read. I still have them, FYI. hehe

Is your TBR mostly print or ebook?

I think mostly print, though I do have many e-books (and e-ARCs) on my tablet (gifted, won or received.) You see, I’m old-fashioned with books and prefer having hardcopies. Confession: I VERY rarely buy e-books (because I have the habit to always delete a book I finish reading on my tablet. Oops! I don’t keep e-ARCs when I finish reading them. :P)

A Book That’s Been On Your TBR List The Longest 

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